Welcome to Our Archives
In this section, you will find links to the previous YA Spotlight posts and previous YA authors presented here on our blog. The list starts with the most recent and finishes with the very first YA author we presented. Enjoy!
02/22/2010 - Rachel Vincent
02/15/2010 - Sandra Cox
02/08/2010 - Christina Kilbourne
02/01/2010 - Jo Ramsey
01/25/2010 - Nancy Holder
01/18/2010 - Carol Snow
01/11/2010 - Sandra Cox
01/04/2010 - Molly Daniels
12/12/2009 - Alyson Noel
12/05/2009 - Christine Hart
11/28/2009 - Penny Colman
11/21/2009 - Barbara Greenwood
11/14/2009 - Alexandra Sokoloff
11/07/2009 - Tim Whitney
10/31/2009 - Rachel Caine
10/24/2009 - Megan Crewe
10/17/2009 - Amanda Ashby
10/10/2009 - Alyson Noel
10/03/2009 - Lisa McMann
09/26/2009 - Jeannine Garsee
09/19/2009 - Fon James
09/12/2009 - Carl Deuker
09/05/2009 - Jay Asher's Book
08/29/2009 - Ashley Rice
08/22/2009 - Kimberly Joy Peters
08/19/2009 - Marcus Dino
08/15/2009 - Nancy Werlin
08/08/2009 - Christine Hart
08/03/2009 - Susan Beth Pfeffer
08/01/2009 - Jaime Adoff
07/25/2009 - Sara Zarr
07/18/2009 - Brian S. Pratt
07/11/2009 - Linda Dawda
06/13/009 - Barry Eva
05/26/2009 - Julianne Moore